
Assistant Superintendent of Operations

Dr. Mark Stewart is the Assistant Superintendent of Operations. He has served K-12 education in Georgia as a teacher/coach, assistant principal, elementary and middle school principal, director, and assistant superintendent. He also has several years of teaching graduate level classes and supervising student teachers as part of his experience.

Dr. Stewart brings 38 years of experience to Coastal Plains which includes 15 years in operations. He has worked directly with every classification of employee in K-12 schools including school administrators, teachers, custodians, bus drivers, maintenance workers and school nutrition employees.

Dr. Stewart is married to Susie and they have one adult son.

Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Mark Stewart
[email protected]

Northeast Regional Director
Kerry Coursey 
[email protected]

Southeast Regional Director
Beverly Strickland
[email protected]

Southwest Regional Director
David McCurry
[email protected]


Food is provided to Coastal Plains students at each site. The food program meets the needs of students for various reasons. Having food at the sites allows students to come to school straight from work without going all the way home. Research has shown when students don't have their basic essential life needs addressed, then it is very difficult for them to learn.

FY22 CPHS provided approximately 24,000 meals for students.
FY23 CPHS provided approximately 35,000 meals for students.

Coastal Plains High School works with vendors throughout our 18partnering communities across South Georgia thus supporting each local economy.
 Compliance Director | Pioneer RESA